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Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development Minister, Hon. Eng. Charles Lubasi Milupi has today launched the rehabilitation works for the Lusaka to Mongu Road from Tateyoyo Gate to Katunda/Lukulu Junction stretching 87.3 kilometres.

The total project cost is K1.3 billion and the construction period is 24 months. China Geo-Engineering Corporation in joint venture with Chipangano Builders Limited are the contractors while Bari Zambia Limited is the consultant.

Hon. Eng. Milupi said the new dawn Government considers the Road Sector as one of the most important sectors of the economy as roads promoted efficiency in the movement and delivery of goods and services and was a pre-requisite for economic growth and poverty alleviation.

Outlining some of the major road and bridge projects in Western Province, Hon. Eng. Milupi said after assuming office, the new dawn Government started by making sure that the rehabilitation works at the Kafue Hook Bridge were completed.

He said thereafter, focus was on finishing works on the Mongu-Limulunga Road which is 14.5 kilometres.

He said in addition to the Mongu-Limulungu Road, the Government had successfully completed the extension of the Limulunga Road to Jelten Stream, which is 900 metres in length and access to Limulunga Royal Palace Road, which is 1 kilometre.

Access to Presidential Health facility road, 1.2 kilometre and the Muoyo Road in Nalolo District with a stretch of 3.1 kilometres had also been substantially completed.

Others are the Lyambai and Libonda Roads with the total length of 2.9 kilometres which had also been substantially completed.

Under the Improved Rural Connectivity Project (IRCP), through Package 16, which is in Kaoma and Lukulu Districts, the Government had signed contracts for construction and rehabilitation of 251 kilometres roads to all weather gravel and under Package 17, which covers Mongu and Senanga, a total of 156.8 kilometres would be constructed and rehabilitated to all weather gravel standard.

Road Development Agency (RDA) Board of Directors Chairperson, Eng. Mulchand Kuntawala said the Groundbreaking Ceremony marked the beginning of another journey that will contribute to the planned and systematic efforts by the new dawn Government through the RDA to improve the condition of the core road network using its own internal resources.

Eng. Kuntawala said the rehabilitation of the Lusaka-Mongu Road from Tateyoyo Gate to Katunda/Lukulu Junction stretching 87.3 kilometres, involves widening of the existing road formation to allow for 2 x 3.4 metres road lanes and 2 x 1.5 metres surfaced shoulders with 0.5 metre gravel shoulder strips and reconstruction of the road surface using asphalt.

He said this year alone, the contractor plans to employ over 100 youths and women and by early 2025, this number is expected to increase to over 200 workers.

“The contractor has been directed to employ locals from the vicinity of the construction areas. The RDA is pleased that as we continue to create accessibility through road and bridge construction, we are also contributing to the wider agenda of the Government for job and wealth creation. This is being done through direct and indirect jobs that are being created for our citizens during the construction and maintenance phases,” Eng. Kuntawala said.

Eng. Kuntawala commended the Government for the unwavering commitment in ensuring that funding was secured and disbursed for the 2024 Road Sector Annual Work Plan to facilitate rehabilitation works on other critical road links which also required attention and were not able to attract the private sector for rehabilitation under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model.

“One of them is this very road we are witnessing the Groundbreaking Ceremony today. On the list is also the Maamba-Batoka Road, Monze-Niko Road and the Chibuluma Road in Kitwe which are at various levels of progress.

“Notwithstanding this, the Agency in all the 10 province is undertaking works on Force Account ranging from emergency to holding maintenance works on the trunk roads including feeder roads,” he said.

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